Within the Garden of my Heart

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Psalm 26:2-3 Search My Heart

Good morning Abba, Good morning Jesus, Good morning Holy Spirit,

Examine me, Lord, and try me.
O test my heart and my mind.
Your mercy is before my eyes,
and I walk according to your truth.
Psalm 26: 2-3

Examine me, Lord. There are times when I say these words and I feel blessed without any reservations.  There are those times when I say these words and I feel faint.  Since our Lord knows all things, nothing is hidden. Then why are there times when these words cause me to feel "faint of heart?"  He knows my ways.  He hears me when I ask for His help while I lift up my negative thoughts and feelings.  He hears and blesses me when I have turned over those thoughts, He places His hedge of protection around my heart, my mind, and my soul... keeping that which is not of Him from taking root within me.  Maybe these words are an engaging action? In freely choosing His will and guidance, there is a humbling of self before His mercy.  These are "cleansing" words of a commitment unto Him.

O test my heart and my mind. Yep, these words are surrendering unto His ways, His thoughts, His mercy and grace.  I have no control over His decisions, His blessings, or His power.  How do I submit unto you, O Lord?  How do I get out of your way and accept with complete trust that which you will choose for me?  For me walking by faith means surrendering myself... allowing Abba to provide.  That action, that willingness is not for the "faint of heart."  It takes courage... it means your heart and motives must be as clean as a toddler's.  I guess that is indeed the season in which I journey.  His lamb... forever in search of His presence, His provision, and His place of refuge.  Will I ever be more than His lamb following Him... with His grace I will not.

Walking according to Your truth. This is a bit more simple to grasp.  Don't get me wrong, it is not a simple or easy path.  It is not a path that today's world honors.  Yet, it is a beautiful and joyously free path.  There is nothing more uplifting, nothing more pleasing, and truly nothing more valuable than knowing God's word, His ways, His statutes... for it is in His ways I get to see His handiwork.  The scales are removed from my eyes and I glimpse His beautiful creation.  I sense His mercy, love, and joy.  I find His favor and provision.  I know the depth of His love for me... for me! Wow, nothing compares... It's like that snuggle of an infant... pure, complete, and forever.

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"Ask the Lord for rain in the Springtime; it iS the Lord Who SendS the thunderstorms.He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the fieLd to everyone." Zechariah 10:4