Within the Garden of my Heart

Biblically Aligned Constitution


Why Should Christians know the Constitution?
Our Lord commanded his faithful to be the models within their families, His church, and in our communities... 

  • How do we decide what we tithe and where to tithe?
  • How do we decide who we vote for and how we stand politically?
  • What does it mean to be biblically aligned with God's Holy Word and commission?

We become informed citizens... we learn our nation's history...
we stand for truth!

Trusted Resources:
 Wallbuilders: The best resource for all areas of U.S. History, accurate and historically documented truth: Educational Resources on America's Christian Heritage

 Patriot Academy: Free instructional learning about our U.S. founding fathers, patriotic heroes/heroines, our founding documents, and the principles of our Constitution: https://www.patriotacademy.com/biblicalcitizenship/

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.” Letter to the American Church - Eric Metaxas

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"Ask the Lord for rain in the Springtime; it iS the Lord Who SendS the thunderstorms.He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the fieLd to everyone." Zechariah 10:4