Within the Garden of my Heart

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Numbers 6:22-27

Good morning Abba, Good morning Jesus, Good morning Holy Spirit,

With the joy of the Lord down deep in my soul, I sing unto you!  Thank you for this morning's moments with you.  The sun poured forth its rays of beauty.  The blessing of our patio was a glow with warmth.  The flowers seemed to be standing taller, as if in worship unto you.  The hummingbirds were playful, all seems so glorious...

The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you...
Numbers 6:25

With my readings today, I was touched by two different passages.  The wonderment of His smile upon me causes my heart, soul, and spirit to humble myself before Him.  Could he really smile when he looks upon me?  Could my name truly bring brightness upon His face in a smile?  I know the spirit's shining within and through others.  You see it in their eyes, you feel the warmth in their smile, you hear the peacefulness in their voice.  I have known the radiance of those moments when I have been His vessel for others.  I'm pondering the why of the seasons when I do not see His glory shining in my reflection of the bathroom mirror!  Or when I view the horror on someone's face when my words have stung them, even though that was the furthest thing from heart or mind!

...the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord.
Proverbs 20:27
Kenneth E Hagin taught, "We sometimes judge how God is leading by what our physical senses tell us... Too often we look at things from a mental standpoint and endeavor to reason out things.  But nowhere does the Bible say God will guide us through our physical senses... our mentality... or our reasoning."  The Bible says it is our spirit that is the candle of the Lord!

Considering the blessing and promise above, my next scripture passage caused me to stop and listen to His gentleness.  You know those moments when you are given a flash of viewing a spiritual message and all of you knows a quietness beyond the physical environment.

As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you...
Issaiah 40:11
This is not a new passage for me.  Just as every unique snowflake is confirmation of His hearing my heart, this passage brought such a deep healing and peace at a moment of my hopelessness and homelessness (a longing to be with Him, safe and away from those seeking to steal and oppress my inner joy).  During a season of morning Bible and worship, I re-read the descriptive passage in which Jehovah Ra-ah was translated as "The Lord is my Shepherd."  This KJV further describes that our Lord, "...became our shepherd by giving His life for the sheep, therefore this privilege is a redemptive privilege, purchased by the Attonement of Jesus our shepherd."  My spirit praised Him for the freedom from the bondage, from the brambles, from the snares and thorns that have threatened my journey all of my life.  I felt our Lord Jesus holding a lamb in His arms.  He was gentle rubbing its ear.  The sweetness of His voice was so soothing, providing a warmth that quieted the adrenaline chills of the lamb.  As he turned towards the flock, the lamb's breathing calmed to a pace equal to the calming comfort of inner peace.  Our Lord didn't just place the lamb anywhere amongst the flock, oh no, he chose the very center of the flock.  I wondered why, and then I knew and my tears began to flow.... I was the little lamb.  I was being placed in the center of the flock because He knew they would keep me corralled long enough for me to gain strength before I joyfully danced out of bounds... and into another snare!

Lord, may my life be so pleasing to You that You are pleased to have Your face shine on me.  
And as You graciously smile on my life, may I find someone today with whom I can share Your love through a smile.
Our Daily Bread, 6/18/14

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"Ask the Lord for rain in the Springtime; it iS the Lord Who SendS the thunderstorms.He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the fieLd to everyone." Zechariah 10:4