Within the Garden of my Heart

Friday, June 22, 2018

Summer healing...Summer blessings PS 46:10

“Be still, and know that I am God;"
PS 46:10

Good morning Abba, Good morning Jesus, Good morning Holy Spirit,

Being still and knowing "who" our Lord is has been a "faith-filled" journey this year. Please forgive the long wait between posts. I have been on a journey. A journey that has been wondrously difficult, inspiring, and revealing.

Daily inspirations brought early morning strength. Like many of you, I begin the day seeking His strength, His guidance, and putting on His armor. Given my week's calling in the classroom, there isn't enough time to seek the Lord's teachings with quiet contemplation and moments of listening and pondering. Weekend mornings affords a much deeper retreat, yet those days seem to be a "holy" band-aid for the week to come. It has been in my prayer closet that my evenings are a reflection of my day. Without my evening time, my restorative rest isn't complete.

How is your spiritual growth growing? Have you filled up any study journals this season? Are any of you verse mapping your daily scriptures? What I have experienced is a greater depth to "seed planting" the Word of God every moment I make room for a good study opportunity.

This year began with a much needed winter break. The weather kept the house wrapped in winter hibernation and my chair, quilt, tea cup, and journal became my Saturday morning retreat center complete with tools for harvesting spiritual fruit of reflection. With a heart filled with gratitude, a shout of joy for the technology that can bring at-home studies into my life, I began my latest journey with a desire to learn how to discern the voice of God.

Each word carefully scripted within my journal became my "go-to" wisdom finder, especially when the world around me brought forth stumbling blocks, deceptive observations, and/or the inner doubt agreements that tend to steal my focus from the promises of God's Words.

For today, I wanted to share this strength building wisdom...
Take time for your spirit and trust that you are a worthy contender!
Discerning the Voice of God - Leader Kit - Updated Edition: How to Recognize When God Speaks
ISBN: 9781462774050

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"Ask the Lord for rain in the Springtime; it iS the Lord Who SendS the thunderstorms.He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the fieLd to everyone." Zechariah 10:4