"Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you"
James 4:10
With the dawning of this new day, you have reminded me about Job (42:1-11). Given all the discourse within our nation, on our news stations, and our global pandemic... sometimes it feels overwhelming. Your word reminds us not to complain, close our eyes to your hand at work, or listen only to those voices that are void of inspiration about your promises. "You instruct me, and as a result of Your instruction, I will willingly submit and accept it."
Just for today, my Lord, let me:
- Take a moment to be quiet with you
- Humble myself before you, in Your presence
- Place into Your loving hands all that is burdening my heart, cluttering my mind, and distracting me from Your daily portion of Grace, Mercy, and Peace
- Help me to pull back, stop mulling around in the muck of the moment, and take refuge under Your wings
- Place me into Your day, allow me contentment even though answers have not become clear
- Strengthen me in the type of trust that, regardless of what the world is showing, You are my provider
- Bless me with the Holy Spirit's comfort that worries fade away so that my day is filled with the works of my hands that will glorify Your name
My trust is with our Lord,
Walk today with assurance,