Within the Garden of my Heart

Monday, February 20, 2017

Walking in Love

"Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. 
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us,
 an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma."
Ephesians 5:1-2

Good morning Abba, Good morning Jesus, Good morning Holy Spirit,
This is the day that you have made, I will rejoice and be glad. I can only wonder how this day will unfold. I accept Your will for I know that you will see it through to completion far better than I could. I thank you for all of the ways in which You are guiding me. My heart sings praise unto You for Your loving mercy and grace. I stand on Your promises, upon Your blessings, and with much gratitude I accept all of Your tender pruning.

Walking in love is one area in which I once thought I was doing well. During my absence from this blog, our Lord has been tenderly instructing me in what His love is, how to be humbled by His gracious obedience (guarding my tongue), and in ways of intercessory prayer. 

While my faith walk is forever an opportunity to grow, there are times when our Lord calls and all we can do is hold on to His promises. It is a season of learning, a season in which we tuck ourselves under the shadow of his wings and we listen and learn from His word. Thankfully, we live in an age in which there are some amazing resources for our walk. When this season began I was learning how to walk away from shame (Unashamed by Christine Cain). At the same time, I was watching a series about the women in the bible (Twelve More Women of the Bible). With much joy, I had spent some time gaining strength from a woman of faith (The Longing in Me by Shelia Walsh). And then came the revisiting calling to guard my tongue and stand in humility, which leaves one opened to those in control viewing you in what ever judgement they choose (A Lesson a Day and Keep it Shut).

Graciously, our Lord is always merciful. His strength is always available. And, His manifestation of peace and comfort through the Holy Spirit is... always... at the ready! Today is the day that joy overflows. It's a moment in which you sense the seasons changing. They say that a praying warrior (an intercessor) never ceases until the Holy Spirit confirms the break through. Well breakthrough is just one moment away. With much gratitude, those whom have been on this journey with me have been an unbelievably gracious, kind, supportive, and strong. Being a phone call away, gathering for a house church filled to overflowing with hope, and joyfully sharing supporting words of wisdom (God is good... all of the time... and all of the time... God is Good!).

My today is filled with learning about walking in love (Copeland Ministries;  Matthew Kelly; Lysa Terkeurst; Liz Curtis Higgs; and leading into 66 Ways that God Loves You.

Blessings for each of you as you walk in love,

Remaining United

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"Ask the Lord for rain in the Springtime; it iS the Lord Who SendS the thunderstorms.He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the fieLd to everyone." Zechariah 10:4