Within the Garden of my Heart

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Reason for my Hope by Billy Graham

Billy Graham
ISBN: 9780529105448
Publisher's Synopsis:
The saving message of the Gospel is the heartbeat of this preacher and evangelist. Millions around the world have heard Billy Graham proclaim this unchanging truth. He has never forgotten the transformation of his own life, when he first said yes to God’s gift of salvation, and he has witnessed multitudes turn their hearts to the God of Hope.

 "Hope is a Gift.
Have you ever taken hold of such a prize that leads you out of uncertainty into profound assurance?
When it arrives, despair departs.
An old Scottish proverb says,
'Were it not for hope, the heart would break.'
What is your heart's condition?"
MrsK's Review:
Did you watch this special? Did you discover a new truth? When the opportunity for me to review the book, well I knew that our Lord was asking me to journey deeper into my relationship with Him.

This man's voice resonates deep within. Just his name brings back all of those moments in front of our television. A gathering "snuggled together" listening to what inspiration might feed us for the next few moments... the next few months... the next season. In the introduction, Billy Graham, reminds us that you can "glimpse the glow of hope" simply by lighting a match and burning a candle:
"You will discover that the whisper of its flame brings life to a room,
making the candle useful.
Is your flame alive and making a difference in the world?"

Have I been "nourishing" my soul enough that a flame burns within? Can others see the "glow of hope" in my actions or with my words? If "Hope pierces the darkness," if  "Hope brings comfort," then what am I showing all of you? 

Rescued for Something: What would your story be? With a series of short testimonies about survival from circumstances, physical defeats, or mental anguish there is a "Hope" that comes from being saved.

"For with the Lord there is mercy,
And with Him is abundant redemption."
Psalm 130:7
The Great Redemption: Have you redeemed your free gift? Redemption involves a giver and a receiver. How often have you turned away from someone offering you a gift? These testimonies "brings into focus" moments in which a "redeemed" life-choice may have included a "price to pay" that wasn't thought through. And if you have been redeemed with another chance, do you tell about it?

 "I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against me,
and I will pardon all their iniquities."
Jeremiah 33:8
Sin is In: Self-interest lives that keeps us from obeying God and His word. It impacts our thinking, our actions, and our beliefs. When we walk through life unprotected and without God's word we fall short of divine discernment. As early as 1948 and straight into 1967 our culture was reinvented. History was rewritten. What once was a nation raised up on God's commandments, became a nation of self-interested deceptions. There was a time when sin was considered a terror to be shunned, today there exists a deception that excusing ownership of sinfulness leads to a tolerant mindset of acceptance. This chapter is one of the hardest to explore... it will challenge today's myths. It will open the depths of your soul to the truth of God's word. It will lead you beyond your protected surface.
"Good deeds will not bring comfort to the soul
because the bad and hurtful things we do to others
are ultimately done against the One who created our souls.
Your soul belongs to God.
He is the only One who can redeem your soul."

The Price of Victory: "What was the greatest and most costly battle ever to take place? Who was the victor, and what was the reward?" Have you ever rejected the truth of God's word? Have you turned away from the message of the cross? Do you reject that men and women are sinners who need to live with a repentant heart? When Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, he "triumphed over all the forces of evil and death and Hell..." he gave us mercy, grace, and the eternal promise of forgiveness. Through grace, hope was freely given:
"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,
but that the world through Him might be saved."
John 3:17  

Where is Jesus?: How would you respond to this question, "What is the ultimate Victory of the cross?" Every time we write the date, we proclaim the victory of the cross! Ponder what that victory meant from the third day, through out the ages, and into this century. Deception is blinding the message of the cross. 
"In His great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...
who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation
that is ready to be revealed."
1 Peter 1:3-5

Defining Christianity in a Designer World: Are you living in a world of your own making? Does your life mirror society's whims and choices? Where is your quest for truth and acceptance leading you? Ultimately, it will be the choices that you have made that will provide a life "tailor-made," is it aligned with God's word or has it become a "relaxed-fitting" life that "fits your needs?"
"The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been watered down to a myth,
causing young and old to doubt the authority of Scripture."
 If the nation is blending a pick-and-choose, gender-resistant society, then what will put on the brakes for its immoral binge? "What we are seeing is human nature expressing itself without God." Without the Holy Spirit's discernment we are blinded by a designer that is seeking to devour. Believing in Jesus Christ, the truth of his birth... death... and resurrection, and placing priority on Him and God's word, we are assured of salvation from our selves:
"Without Me you can do nothing."
John 15:5
"You can continue searching for some religion that fits your particular lifestyle,
 but your search will never come to a satisfying end.
 Or you can commit your life completely to the Lord,
 who brings true and lasting fulfillment to the human soul who sincerely seeks Him in truth."
We are reminded that being Christian isn't about living for yourself. We must turn away from our "old" lives and begin a new way of living. It's all about a change. Listening and seeking obedience to God's will, His word, and the Holy Spirit's prompting. Humbling yourself before the Lord (daily), stopping to praise and give thanksgiving for all of your blessings, striving to "see" His hand at work in your life and the lives of others, and "asking" Him to show you what you can do for Him.
"He is not going to come in and ignore the chains that bind you to sin.
He is not going to come in and close His eyes to the immorality that governs your relationships.
He is not going to come in and overlook your indifference to His commands.
He is going... to come in...
and overlook your indifference to His commands.
He is... going to mold you and make you new
by changing your very nature."
 With each day we begin are given a new beginning. We can trust that He is with us in every moment. We have been given His blessed assurance that He will provide our needs... and more. Being willing to be "redesigned" is freedom. We no longer have to be the one in control, always planning and dealing with frustrations. Is Christ within you? If so, then are you seeking His will in every decision, every purchase, every conversation, or every thought? Freedom is granted as we begin "just being" His. There is nothing we can do to earn or loose His love. He is love. At the cross our Lord Jesus completed our destination.
"Those who belong to Christ Jesus
have crucified the flesh
with its passions and desires."
Galatians 5:24

No Hope of Happy Hour in Hell: "What do you think about Hell?" Do you believe that all sin is offensive in the eyes of God? Do you believe that God is Holy? Do you believe that during His crucifixion, Jesus cried out to Abba because He had taken on our sin and was separated from Abba:
About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice,
 "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?"
 (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").
Matthew 27:46

He Is Coming Back: Is hope rare? What would you want changed? "Still people clamor for hope and change, blinded to evil disguised as good."  If we are looking for Jesus' return, we know that there is hope. The word of God promises that He will return in great glory. All we need to do is stand. Feed on His word daily. Put on the armor of God, and trust that He is returning.

Living Life with Hope: Are you convinced that you truly need Jesus in your life? That you are willing to give up your self-sufficiency and trust in His will for your life? Do you believe in the message of the cross? Are you openly following Jesus? Is God's word your daily nourishment? Is the Holy Trinity your strength? Ask Jesus... He will see you through to completion! 
 "His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
great is His faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23
Beautifully written, this book will help your spirit soar, 

"The message of this book is my hope for you.
And my prayer is that you will be filled with the dividends of joy and peace
in believing that you can be rescued from all that hinders,
bringing you into a 'Living Hope of Salvation."
Billy Graham
May 2013 
 Meet the Author:

“My one purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with God, which, I believe, comes through knowing Christ." 

Billy Graham, world-renowned author, preacher, and evangelist, has delivered the Gospel message to more people face-to-face than anyone in history and has ministered on every continent of the world in more than 185 countries. Millions have read his inspirational classics, including Angels, Peace with God, The Holy Spirit, Hope for the Troubled Heart, How to Be Born Again, The Journey, Nearing Home, and The Reason For My Hope.

 My Hope Videos


 Thomas Nelson

Remaining United

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"Ask the Lord for rain in the Springtime; it iS the Lord Who SendS the thunderstorms.He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the fieLd to everyone." Zechariah 10:4